ICE-O 2014 information


The fifth annual ICE-O orienteering competition will be held on June 27th, 28th and 29th this summer in Hafnafjörður, Vífilsstaðahlíð and Öskjuhlíð.
Hekla OC welcomes you to join us for three days of orienteering in wonderful Icelandic surroundings.

Registration and payment can be made online. The registration fee is € 20 per day or € 50 for all three days. SportIdent timing equipment will be used, and dongles can be rented. Bus transport to the events on Saturday and Sunday will be availabe (total cost for bus, 20 €).

Invitation letter (PDF)

Bullet information letter (updated letter)

Start list


Basic accommodation will be available at a local scout club house. There is room for 25 people in five different rooms. There are mattresses in the rooms but no linen. A kitchen, toilets and free internet is available. Shower facilities are limited to one shower, but there is a swimming pool with hot tubs in walking distance.

List of registered competitors

Further info can be found at Hekla’s website, such as pictures from ICE-O 2011, 2012 and 2013, videos of ICE-2012 Sprint, Long and Middle and orienteering maps from around Reykjavik.
For further information or questions, contact Gísli Örn Bragason at +354 692 6522 or